This project was intended as an awareness campaign for sexual abuse. In my research I discovered that in the past 5 years, 35 rapes in public bathrooms had been reported. For the project, I took a plaque from the Icelandic Lottery, which is hung up at lottery vendors, and state that a winning ticket was bought at that location, the date and the amount of money won. I remade the plaque, with the caption: 
“on the day of xx/xx/xx, a rape was committed in this place, one of xxx rapes in that year”. 
The plaques featured actual statistics and dates and were hung up in public bathrooms. The concept was “Rape takes place” to point out that rape happens in many places in our life. Like buying a winning lottery ticket, it can happen anywhere and to anyone, so by playing with the concept of luck, I wanted to protest the idea that women are in some way to blame for being raped.


This project was intended as an awareness campaign for sexual abuse. In my research I discovered that in the past 5 years, 35 rapes in public bat Read More
